
How to use Kresus

The charts display incorrect values. What should I do?

To generate the charts Kresus uses your bank account's balance and the transactions that already happened.

If the data provided by your bank is not consistent across time (something changed), then Kresus might import twice a transaction (thanks to woob) without being able to detect and fix it.

We advise you have a look at the "Duplicate" section in Kresus. If some operations seem to be duplicates, this page will show them and you will be able to merge them, by hand, to get back a correct balance. However, the way of doing it is quite rudimentary and some operations marked as duplicates could actually not be duplicates. It is not possible to cancel the merge of two operations, hence take care when removing duplicates!

In the future, it will be possible to cancel the merge of duplicates. Automatic detection and merge of duplicates should also be greatly improved.

How can I manually add a transaction ?

It can sometimes be useful to create transactions before then even appear on the bank's website and thus be fetched by Kresus.

To manually add a transaction, go to the transaction list and click on ”Add an operation” (“+” on mobile).

Add transaction button

If you create it on an account that is automatically updated through the connection to your bank's website, once the real transaction appears on the website and is retrieved by Kresus, a duplicate transaction should be generated, that you'll have to manually merge. You might have to use the “Find more” button if the date of the manual transaction is far enough from the one of the actual transaction.

Add transaction screen

Can I import OFX data and other formats?

Kresus supports OFX format and its own, a JSON file with a data entry which contains:


    "data": {
        "accesses": [
                "vendorId": "manual",
                "login": "whatever-manual-acc--does-not-care",
                "customLabel": "Optional custom label",
                "id": 0
        "accounts": [
                "id": 0,
                "vendorId": "manual",
                "accessId": 0,
                "vendorAccountId": "manualaccount-randomid",
                "type": "account-type.checking",
                "initialBalance": 0,
                "label": "Compte Courant",
                "iban": "FR4830066645148131544778523",
                "currency": "EUR"
        "categories": [
                "label": "Groceries",
                "color": "#1b9d68",
                "id": 0
                "label": "Books",
                "color": "#b562bf",
                "id": 1
                "label": "Taxes",
                "color": "#ff0000",
                "id": 2
                "label": "Misc",
                "color": "#00ff00",
                "id": 3
        "operations": [
                "accountId": 0,
                "categoryId": 0,
                "type": "type.card",
                "label": "Wholemart",
                "rawLabel": "card 07/07/2019 wholemart",
                "customLabel": "Food",
                "date": "2019-07-07T00:00:00.000Z",
                "amount": -83.8
                "accountId": 0,
                "categoryId": 0,
                "type": "type.card",
                "label": "Wholemart",
                "rawLabel": "card 09/07/2019 wholemart",
                "customLabel": "Food & stuff",
                "date": "2019-07-09T00:00:00.000Z",
                "amount": -60.8
                "accountId": 0,
                "categoryId": 1,
                "type": "type.card",
                "label": "amazon payments",
                "rawLabel": "carte 19/07/2019 amazon payments",
                "customLabel": "1984 - George Orwell",
                "date": "2019-07-19T00:00:00.000Z",
                "amount": -20
                "accountId": 0,
                "type": "type.transfer",
                "label": "SEPA m. john doe 123457689 rent",
                "rawLabel": "transfer to m. john doe 123457689 rent",
                "date": "2019-07-27T00:00:00.000Z",
                "amount": -500
                "accountId": 0,
                "categoryId": 2,
                "type": "type.order",
                "label": "taxes public department: fr123abc456",
                "rawLabel": "direct debit sepa taxes public department: fr123abc456",
                "date": "2019-08-17T00:00:00.000Z",
                "amount": -150
                "accountId": 0,
                "categoryId": 3,
                "type": "type.withdrawal",
                "label": "ATM my pretty town center",
                "rawLabel": "debit ATM 18/08/2019 ATM my pretty town center",
                "date": "2019-08-19T00:00:00.000Z",
                "amount": -20
                "accountId": 0,
                "type": "type.bankfee",
                "rawLabel": "commission on non euro buy 0.65eur",
                "date": "2019-08-22T00:00:00.000Z",
                "amount": -0.65

How can I setup notifications with Apprise?

Apprise is a system that allows to send notifications from an application to Telegram, Slack, your mobile phone through Gotify, etc.

First, your instance's administrator needs to enable the Apprise's support.

Then go to the "Alerts" section in Kresus where you'll be able to enter an Apprise formatted URL, validate and the configure your alerts.