


The first thing to do before using Kresus is to configure it so it can work optimally according to your preferences.

With a config.ini file

Let's generate an empty configuration with the command below.

./bin/kresus.js 'create:config' > config.ini

⚠️ Note: for versions preceding 0.16 this command does not exist. You can however find the list of available options in the file config.example.ini.

Then edit the config.ini file and define the options which fit you needs and pass the -c path/to/config.ini argument to Kresus upon launch.

Security : In production mode (NODE_ENV=production), if the configuration file is not readable only or readable/writable only by its owner, using the filesystem permissions, Kresus will refuse to start.

With environment variables

Please note that each configuration option has an associated environment variable: if this variable is defined, it will override the INI config file's value or the default value. Please check the config.ini.example file to retrieve all the available environment variables.

SQL database

Starting from 0.16 it is required to set up a config file (or the associated environment variables) to define the database configuration options. Please refer to the exemple file to find out the database options.

The only compatible and production-advised database is PostgreSQL.

It is highly recommended to avoid sqlite in production. sqlite does not support migrations really well and can result in data loss. We only recommend its use for tests and development.

If you decide to use sqlite, you'll need to install the package sqlite3: npm install --save sqlite3.

Migrate from the legacy system to SQL

Before version 0.16, Kresus used another database system which was not performant. The migration to SQL allows better performances as well as new horizons for new features.

It is advised to make a backup of your instance before the migration.

From 0.15 to .16

If you were using version 0.15 and are upgrading to version 0.16, the data migration should have occurred automatically upon Kresus' start. Your logs should inform you if this migration did occur. If that's not the case, please report the issue.

From < 0.14 included to 0.16

If you were using a version inferior to 0.15 before the SQL migration (e.g. from 0.14 to 0.16) you can export your data with kresus-export-cozydb :

Set up notifications with Apprise

To enable notifications for your instance users through Apprise, it is required to define an Apprise API server. In your configuration file, fill the following line:


Firewall recommendations

You'll need to define the authorizations below:

Instance backup / restoration

For both processes it is highly recommended to shut down Kresus to avoid any modification during the copy.



Simply restore the files you previously saved during the previous backup step.