
Install with npm


You'll need nodejs (Kresus supports node's LTS version) and npm installed in the machine hosting Kresus.

Kresus makes use of Woob under the hood, to fetch information from your bank website. You will have to install Woob core and modules so that the user running Kresus can use them.

Kresus requires the latest stable version of Woob. Although Kresus could work with previous versions, bank modules can get obsolete and the synchronisation with your bank might not work with older versions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: There is no builtin authentication mechanism in Kresus, it is then risky to use it as is. Please make sure to set up an authentication system by yourself.

Global install

Alternatively, if you want to install Kresus globally, you can use:

npm install --production -g kresus

Once you'll have generated a nice configuration file, Kresus will be executable with the command:

kresus --config /path/to/config.ini

Prefixed install (local)

The -g parameter allows to install Kresus globally, which might require super-user permissions rights. Another way is to install Kresus in a dedicated folder with the command below:

npm install --prefix /path/to/local/install kresus

Once you'll have generated a nice configuration file, Kresus will be executable with the command:

/path/to/local/install/node_modules/bin/kresus --config /path/to/config.ini